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Blitz Promotions

Website Promotion
Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question that isn't answered here, please email us or use our contact form.

How long have you been promoting websites?

We have been promoting small and medium sized businesses (and some corporate sites) on the web since 1998. We do it full time so this is our 'day' job. More information about us can be found here.

How many clients do you have?

We are currently promoting around 50 clients monthly.

Why monthly?

Your website changes and so do the search engines. We have found in our three years of promoting websites just like yours that monthly promotions are the most effective way to get (and maintain) rankings within the search engines. We suggest that in order to be most effective that you change your index page in some way, every month.

Why market your website with search engines?

Several studies have shown that a high percentage of surfers find sites that they like by visiting search engines. Here are some snippets from those studies.

KEY (this shows exactly the choices users were given) -- SE: Internet search engines (e.g., Alta Vista, Lycos, etc.); Links: Follow hyperlinks from other Web pages; Friends: Friends; Print: Magazines/newspapers; Dir: Internet directories (e.g., Yahoo, McKinley, etc.); Sigs: Signatures at end of email messages; TV: Television advertisements; Usenet: Usenet newsgroups; Other: Other Sources; Books: Books

As seen on the graphic 85% of those surveyed find websites by visiting search engines.

Need more numbers and stats- just contact us.

Components of our promotion programs.

What is it and How do you do it?

--Manual Submits

We have two types of manual submissions that we use for different programs.

Top ten + sites - Includes manual submits to the following sites:AOL, MSN, Google, Alta Vista, Excite, ODP, Inktomi, Fast (all the web), iWon, Ask Jeeves, Direct Hit. These are adjusted as new search engines come into the picture and others fade away.

Manual submits are just what they imply. We manually visit each of the search engines listed and manually enter your information into their database. Why? We have found that manual submissions work the best.

--Search Engine Position Reports

Several of our programs offer position reports. These offer a concise look at exactly where your website is within the search engines. A

--Keyword Studies

We review your niche and site to determine.

  • the 50 search terms and phrases surfers are using now to find sites like yours.
  • using research we determine the most effective terms for you to focus your site on (based on number of searches and competition.
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