SEO Tutorial - Eleven lesson search engine optimization guide.
eleven lesson search engine optimization guide.
Revised for 2011 - Post Farmer Update
eleven free weekly lessons include the following information.
Lesson 1 - please note, your next lesson will be sent in a week. The benefits of Search engine promotion Why even bother with the search engines - real stats will show you why.
Lesson 2 - checklist of things you'll want to make sure you have on your site.
Lesson 3 - taking a snap shot of where you are now
Finding out where you are now
Lesson 4 - Dissecting your competition
Figuring out where you want to be
Lesson 5 - Keywords and you
Choosing a few keywords to go after - how to pick them
Lesson 6 - On the page SEO part 1
Focusing on your site navigation, and site maps
Lesson 7 - On the page SEO part 2
On page content and tags, linking out.
Getting ready for the spyders to visit.
Lesson 8 - Some places you'll want to make sure you are
Lesson 9
Links - getting good links How does page rank work - how bad links hurt - the Farmer update and you
Lesson 10
Social Media and SEO
Lesson 11 Review and Moving Forward
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