If you're looking to grow your business using a variety of methods and not depending solely on Google for traffic and results. Then you've came to the right place. Make sure to sign up for our newsletter or follow us on Facebook and Google Plus.


Please watch the video for pricing details.


You will need these

You will need the following. If you do not have them they will need to be created. Below is how much creating these will Cost you.

1. A Google Merchant Feed - $500
2. A Google Places Account - $250
3. A Google Plus For Business Account - $50
4. A Busines Facebook Account - $250
5. Business Twitter Account - $100
6. A blog within your current site $500
7. A Pinterest Account - $250
8. Youtube Account - $100
9. Newsletter - $250 (you will need an aweber account - monthly cost $19 / month).
10. A Bing merchant feed - $500

Misc. Expenses

During the program you will be expected to spend 5-10% of your sales on advertising. Reminder: You are also responsible for writing / web design work. See the details page.

Example - first payment, recurring, 10%

Let's pretend you have everything except for a merchant feed and a Pinterest account.

Your first bill would be -

1st month - $2900.00
Feed - $500
Pinterest - $250

Total - $3650.00.
Subtract first payment $1400

Amount invoiced - $2250

When you agree to the bill we would email you a payment link, contract and invoice. You would make the first payment (which starts the subscription process) of $1400. Every 14 days you would be billed $1400.00 until the program is complete.

You would sign the contracts / make a check to us for $2250.00 and fedex / ups that to us. When we get the check we'll begin with week one.

Every month you pay us 10% of improvements from last year - advertising expenses.

Let's say you made $10,000 this month (May 2012), $5,000.00 (May 2011) and we spent $1000.00 in advertising.

10,000 - 5000 - 1000 = $4000.00 extra income. 10% of that is $400.00. We would send you a bill for $400.00.

If you income was down from the previous year, you would not owe a commission.

Questions send us a note

How do I get started?

The openings have been filled. If you would like for us to contact you when we have an opening please fill out the form below.

1. Fill out this form. By filling out the form you agree that you have read and understood - prices and procedures.

2. We will review the form. If we have any questions we will call you. We will send you a final payment schedule. If you approve You will then subscribe to our payment plan (using paypal). You will be billed $1000.00 immediately. Billed again ($1400.00) in 3 weeks and then every two weeks thereafter (for a total of 12 payments). We do this in order to make sure you send your check and the contracts quickly. We will email you a contract detailing what we will do, your payment schedule and non disclosure agreement (we promise not to detail anything about your business to anyone ever).

3. You will sign the paper work and Fed Ex / UPS us a check for the first payment along with that paper work.

4. We'll begin the process of improving your business as discussed here.

Questions send us a note.




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