If you're looking to grow your business using a variety of methods and not depending solely on Google for traffic and results. Then you've came to the right place. Make sure to sign up for our newsletter or follow us on Facebook and Google Plus.

The timeline for how we'll be improving your business.

Please Watch this video - it explains this page.


After watching the video click here for details on billing and how to get started.

Pre Sale

1. Submit your form.
2. We'll review it. Figure out what it will cost you for the first month and email that quote back to you along with a payment link.
3. You'll start your subscription payments with $1400 (which will be taken off the first payment) - in 3 weeks your every 2 week payments will begin.
4. We'll email you a contract - and an invoice. You'll sign the contract and send us a check for your balance. We prefer a fedex / UPS letter, which usually reaches us within 24 hours.
5. When we receive your check we'll deposit it the same business day. When it clears (usually within a day or two) we'll begin week 1.

Week 1 Getting Access

We'll send you a word document and instructions on what to do next. During this time you'll be giving us access to your Google analytics as well as giving us some details on what you've been working on / doing. This week is all about figuring where you are now. We'll also take a look at your current advertising campaigns and make sure everything is being tracked. We'll also be checking out your webmaster tools, social accounts to make a to do list of things that need to be done.

Week 2 Figuring out where you are now -

One thing many people don't realize is with Google it's all about signals. If you do 1000 changes to your website / get millions of links in a week then that will raise a big red flag with Google - so it's all about doing things gradually and building up over time. Early this week we'll need to speak with you on the phone for a few hours to figure out exactly what your goals are and we'll email you the first weekly report. We'll explain in detail what the report means. Also I am a firm believer in doing the easy things that get results fast, while working on long range things. During our discussions we'll also figure out a good advertising budget, and this week we'll begin to implement it and get the feeds tweaked / working. This week we'll also begin working on any glaring site tweaks that need fixing. We'll email changes that need to be made to your web folks and they will implement them. Again if you have hundreds of things that need to be done they'll be spread out over a couple of months, so every week we'll email changes that need to be made until they are finished. Also from now on every Monday you'll get a progress report.

We'll also work on figuring out your competitors - exactly what they're doing well so we can work on moving ahead of them.

This is also when you'll get your calendar / plan of action when we outline everything we'll be doing for you over the coming months. Every site is different, so every plan is different. This plan will also be modified as needed as the project moves forward.

Ongoing - From now till the end of the package.
Monday Reports
Tweaking your site on a schedule (not all changes at once)
Advertising - working on finding the money words - details included in the report.

Week 3 The Blog -

We'll work on creating a content plan. This will be an outline of things you talk about on your blog, social media / etc for the next six months. If you don't have a blog we'll create one. If you do have a blog we'll figure out a posting schedule. We'll speak with your writer and give them a heads up on when we'll need the content.

Ongoing - From now till the end of the package.

Posting on your blog + social media using the predetermined schedule with the goal of having 4 posts every week.

Week 4 Social Stuff -

We'll review your social media - and begin to implement those you haven't done yet until complete. The goal with any social media is to get more sales.

Ongoing - From now till the end of the package.
Implement 1 new social media service a week until complete.
Posts to these according to the content plan.

Week 5 - Review the advertising.

Find the money keywords. Implement strategies to get organic traffic for those keywords.

Ongoing - From now till the end of the package.

Every two weeks we will work on getting traffic for new money keywords.

Month 3 - Retaining Customers + Building a Network

Unfortunately many businesses miss the boat. Your best customers are folks that have already purchased from you. Experienced your great service, excellent products and support. You don't want to forget them and this month we'll be giving you some suggestions on what you can do to keep them purchasing from you for years to come.

We'll also begin work this month on building your network. Creating quality sites that will complement your site. We'll also be working on creating and distributing link bait.

Reminder we'll be continuing the ongoing projects.

Ongoing - From now till the end of the package.

Build a new site each month. Continue working on viral marketing.

Month 4 - Increasing Conversions / Testing

By now you should be definitely be getting more traffic and sales. Now we will do some conversion testing. Testing can be difficult, that's why many people don't try things. We'll set up testing for you and work on increasing your conversion rate.

Month 5 - Training your staff (this is optional but recommended).

We'll visit you at your business location for 2 or 3 days. We'll talk about how we're doing with goals and strategies for increasing your business. We'll also show your staff exactly how to do what we've been doing so they can do it. It's not rocket science. We have procedure maps that make it so easy almost anyone can do it. We also talk to you about some ways to ramp things up a bit for the holidays and plan exactly what you can do to make it the best season ever.

Reminder we'll be continuing the ongoing projects.

Month 6 - Supervise your staff

This month we supervise your staff as they do the work.

Questions send us a note.

How do I get started?

The openings have been filled. If you would like for us to contact you when we have an opening please fill out the form below.

1. Fill out this form. By filling out the form you agree that you have read and understood - prices and procedures.

2. We will review the form. If we have any questions we will call you. We will send you a final payment schedule. If you approve You will then subscribe to our payment plan (using paypal). You will be billed $1000.00 immediately. Billed again ($1400.00) in 3 weeks and then every two weeks thereafter(for a total of 12 payments). We do this in order to make sure you send your check and the contracts quickly. We will email you a contract detailing what we will do, your payment schedule and non disclosure agreement (we promise not to detail anything about your business to anyone ever).

3. You will sign the paper work and Fed Ex / UPS us a check for the first payment along with that paper work.

4. We'll begin the process of improving your business as discussed here.

Questions send us a note.




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