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Blitz Ezine # 154 March 11, 2002

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The Blitz-Promotions News Letter.
Issue no. 154, March 11, 2002
100 Ways to promote your site -
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Food for thought
100 Ways to promote -
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Blitz Comments

The sick are getting better which is good news - the bad news is that the hospital bills are arriving. Even though we have some pretty good insurance, they won't pay everything.

Food for thought
He who hesitates is last.

100 ways to promote your site #46
Listen to your Customers

One thing to keep in mind as you are promoting your site is that many of these ideas work well when used in combination with some of them that we've talked about before.

As you are building your business, you will find that often you don't offer exactly what they need. When you learn these things make sure to make some notes and file these in a safe place.

When you are deciding on new avenues of revenue, pull this folder out and take some time to look at your customers needs. Usually you will find that a lot of folks are looking for the same things and your new product should be an easy choice.

So why did we include this tidbit in promotion tips - it is much easier to sell your customers on something you know they want. As you launch your new product send a note to those who asked for it.

100 ways to promote your site #47
Your Answering Machine

Take a moment right now and call yourself. Listen to your voice mail or answering machine.

Does your message answer the following questions -

1. Your business name.
2. Why you can't come to the phone right now.
3. Your regular business hours.
4. An alternative way to reach you.
5. Give them incentive for leaving a message.
6. Tell them when you'll get back to them.
7. What should they leave in the message.

First things first... if your message sounds like it came from a computer, delete it and record one of your own. The thing we want to happen is for someone to actually leave a message. How many times have you hung up on an answering machine...

You need to craft your message like the age old advertising formula -

A- attention
I - interest
D - desire
A - action

So we craft our script using the six items above and make sure that they follow the formula. Here is a sample message to follow -

I don't like leaving phone messages either, thanks for calling Blitz Promotions. We're on another line or out of the office. When you leave a message we'll give you our answering machine discount of 10% off any of our programs. Our normal business hours are from 7 am to 6 pm EST. You can contact us on the web at or leave a message and we'll get back to you ASAP and give you a discount. Please leave your name, phone number, best time to call, your time zone and what we can help you with today. Thank you.

Short, sweet, to the point. Will we get fewer hang ups, you bet.

100 ways to promote your site #48
Your Phone Skills

I really stink at this one and I know that I've lost a ton of sales from it. Hopefully you'll learn from my mistakes.

1. Always answer the phone like a business. If you don't have seperate lines, then answer all the calls during business hours like a business. Sure your mother - in - law will think that you're crazy but the sales you make up for it will buy her a nice gift. Make sure that your family knows the rules too.

2. Answer the phone with a smile, even if you don't feel like it.

3. After you find out it really is a business call, get some basic information from the customer first. Do this first so that you don't forget! The more information you can gather from them the easier it will be to follow-up with them if you don't make a sale on the phone.

4. Get your caller to act, while you have them on the phone. You can offer them an instant discount for ordering something from you while you have them on the phone.

5. While they have their credit card in hand, make sure to offer them one of your back end products.

6. Listen, listen, listen.

Here would be an example of a phone conversation.

Me - Good Morning. This is Blitz Promotions how may I help you?

Them - My name is John Doe and I have some questions about your Pro Blitz.

Me - Hi John. Let me get some information from you first and then we'll answer your questions.... insert your info questions here.

Then John asks his questions and we listen and answer them to the best of our ability. As you listen you will also begin to learn what is important to John, make notes so when you follow up, you can include these.

Me - Today only we're offering our Pro Blitz at a ten percent discount, so your price would be xx$$. How would you like to pay for that we take Visa... etc. Don't be afraid to ask for the sale!!

Me - We can also include a PPC campaign with your order for xx$$, would you be interested in adding this to your program.

You get the general idea. If you don't get the phone call with the sale. Email them right after your phone call, tell them you enjoyed the call, remind them of why they called and don't forget to follow up in a week or so.

100 ways to promote your site #49
Let your fingers do the walking

Since we've been talking about the telephone. Take a moment and get your phone book. Find the sections in the yellow pages that are related to your niche. Jot these down. There are several ways you can approach these folks. You can wholesale your products to them, you can participate in joint ventures, they probably have a website so you have another contact for your further adventures. It takes some courage to make that first call, it also took some courage the first time you road a bike or drove your car... now you don't even think about it.

100 ways to promote your site #50
Donate for the Cause

This is a tweak on the contest promotion. Instead of actually running a contest, what we are going to do is provide a product or service for a contest that is already running.

A good example of this promotion strategy in action can be found here -

Notice the contest info on the right side of the page. Those folks get free advertising for the cost of their prize.

How can you find places that will take your prize. Take a moment and review the links with contest sites in our past article.

Visit the contests directories and find some that relate to your niche. Then just send a note to the person that is running the contest, offering your product as a prize.

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