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Blitz Ezine # 155 March 18, 2002

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The Blitz-Promotions News Letter.
Issue no. 155, March 18, 2002
100 Ways to promote your site -
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Food for thought
100 Ways to promote -
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Blitz Comments

A big Thank You to everyone that took advantage of the Hospital Sale last week, I know it will be worth your money and it also helped me more than you know :o) Again thank you. If you missed out on the sale and are interested in the details you can send me a note and I'll send them to you.

Food for thought
Failure is the path of least persistance.

100 ways to promote your site #51
Customer Service

We may have already talked about this in a previous lesson, but if we did you need to hear about it again. The one way that you can consistently grow your business is to take care of your customers.

Let me put it a different way - If you take care of your customers, they will be one of your greatest sources of income, traffic, and success.

So what are some ways to 'take care of your customers'?

First I like to think that everyone has a circle of influence - those people that they come in contact with. These are people who they have some influence over, whether it be a friend, relative, employee etc. The thing is when we make our first contact with people, we have no idea what their circle is like. So the first rule of good customer service is to treat all of them like gold.

Take a moment to check out this illustration of how two of our customers have helped us build their business through their circle of influence.

Important points to note:

This won't happen over night.
It takes persistance and patience - but it is definitely worth it.

2. Give them more than they expect. Our goal is for our new customer to - renew our service, think about us first when it comes to that next gift or product they need. When you give them more than they expect with their first order, then you are already working on building a strong foundation for your relationship.

3. Respond to their questions, problems and concerns immediately (if not sooner).

4. Thank them. Thank you is such a powerful word, especially when you mean it.

5. The more you learn about them, the better your relationship with them will be. When you learn something about their needs, wants and desires, family, etc., make sure that you make a note of it. Then next time you contact them, ask them how their Uncle John is doing.

6. Ask them for referrals, and they will send them. It is so much easier to sell a product or service to someone if they are already sold on it.

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