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Blitz Ezine # 166 June 3, 2002

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The Blitz-Promotions News Letter.
Issue no. 166, June 3, 2002

************ In This Issue **************
Food for thought
Guest Article
Search Engine Summer - Lesson 1
The Classifieds
Next Issues

Food for thought
“Whether you believe you can or you can’t – either way you are right” – Henry Ford

Guest Article
Promoting your business from within.

Most businesspeople focus on promotional opportunities outside of their business, overlooking the less expensive and more effective opportunities that exist on the inside.

One advantage of implementing the ideas in this article is that once you have your promotions in place they don't require a lot of money to keep them working for you. The second advantage is that you are promoting to already interested prospects and current customers, and that's half the battle.

One very powerful way to promote your business from within is to educate your customer. It gets them thinking and interacting with you, and they become comfortable doing business with you. More importantly, when they have information about your product/service they feel they are in control of the buying process.

For example, just the other day I was getting an oil change at one of those quick-change specialty shops. While I was in the waiting room, I noticed many car magazines on the table and racecar photos on the wall. I then noticed how they used handwriting on a white bulletin board to promote their specials.

I thought to myself, "This is a nationwide franchise, I think they can do better than that!" Why don't they use a video system and create short video clips explaining the importance of maintaining your vehicle? The clips could show the importance of changing your engine oil, transmission fluid, and engine coolant, etc. Most drivers don't know the importance of all this stuff.

Let me ask you this: if you were waiting for an oil change, to what would you be more likely to respond?

1. A message on a bulletin board that says
Special - Cooling System Flush $39.99


2. A short video clip explaining how a cooling system works, how a poor cooling system will drastically shorten the life of your engine, and how, in traffic, you could have a breakdown because that's when your system works the hardest. Near the end of the short video clip, the host tells you to ask the automotive technician for a free inspection of your cooling system and urges you to ask about for any specials that are currently in effect.

If you chose the second scenario, you are like most people. This small idea doesn't cost millions of dollars to implement. But, if done tastefully, it should at least double customer responses. All the hard work has been done. The customers in the waiting room already do business with the shop, are there to maintain their vehicles, and their minds are already on what is being promoted. All this company would have to do is take their promotions one step further than they already have.

What I realized from this experience is that businesspeople miss out on a lot of very effective low-cost promotions that exist within their business. They just have to be aware that they exist and start focusing on them.

What could you do in your business to gain exposure? Here are a few examples to get you started.

Instead of just having the radio on when someone is on hold, create a message about benefits, products, services, or special announcements and promotions.

Create an information booklet related to your industry and be sure to educate the customer about your product or service. Avoid making an obvious advertisement about YOUR business. Instead, have a blank area in the booklet where you can include an offer of some sort.

Audio & Video
Create a free informational audio or videotape about your industry or your business. Be specific, clear, and focused.

If you have a brochure or plan to create one, make sure it is easily accessible. In other words, don't have your brochures stacked away where people can't get them.

Mailing List
Give customers and prospective customers the ability to sign up for a newsletter or mailing list so that you can inform them about new products, services, and special announcements.

Web Site
Your business should have a web site, even if you don't plan to sell from it. web sites are essential for getting any message out. Be sure to include your web site address on all your stationery, and in all of the promotions mentioned above. Promotional Products Create promotional products such as pens, mouse pads, pins, T-shirts, etc. that will advertise your name, USP (Unique Selling Position), and your web site address. Promotional items such as T-shirts are particularly effective because when people wear them they are increasing your exposure.

Promotional opportunities may be closer than you think. Keep an open mind. Your current customers are your best prospects for more business. The habit of looking for and implementing ideas to promote your business from within will bring you profits for years to come.

Acey Gaspard Operates A Touch of, dedicated to providing you with valuable products to keep your business operating at peak performance. Visit:
And receive your free download of "The 9 Hour Business Tune-up."

Search Engine Summer
Lesson 1 - An Overview

The first Lesson in our Search Engine Summer is easy - and there is no homework. In this lesson we'll be giving a brief overview of the topics that we'll be discussing this summer.

Lesson 2
June 10th - The benefits of Search engine promotion
Why even bother with the search engines - real stats will show you why.

Lesson 3
June 17th - Types of search engines
What are the different types of search engines - complete list of the 'good' search engines.

Lesson 4
June 24th - Keywords and your niche
Defining your keywords and niche is the most important thing to do before venturing into SE promotion.

Lesson 5
July 1st
- Submitting to the directories
The best method for submitting to the directories. Time frame, tips, and a pre submit checklist.

Lesson 6
July 8th - All about spyders and how they work.
Which engines use spyders - there names, how they travel, how to get them not to index your site.

Lesson 7
July 15th - Getting ready for the spyders to visit.
Your Content - Your Tags
Making it easy for the sypders to visit and get the information they need to list your site.

Lesson 8
July 22nd - Submitting your site to the search engines - that use spyders
The best way to submit your site.

Lesson 9
August 5th - Links - getting good links
How does page rank work - how bad links hurt

Lesson 10
August 12th - Checking your rankings
Methods to check how you rank.

Lesson 11
August 19th - Tweaking for better results Part 1
Don't like your ranking - learn how to tweak.

Lesson 12
August 26th - Tweaking for better results Part 2
More tweaks.

Quick Link

You should read the following two articles - these will help you to get an understanding of what not to do during your search engine promotion.


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