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Blitz Ezine # 173 July 22, 2002
Where to manually submit your website.

Note: This is an archived issue. Some links and/or content may be outdated

The Blitz-Promotions News Letter.
Issue no. 173, July 22, 2002

************ In This Issue **************
Food for thought
Guest Article
Search Engine Summer - Lesson 7
The Classifieds
Next Issues

Blitz Comments

One of our good friends sent along this note - is proud to announce its comprehensive new web site design! We think you'll find it easier to navigate and much more informative, with a sample review form you can see for yourself before buying our services. We're also extremely happy to announce our brand new Referral Program that can help you earn money every time someone you refer to us buys a review package -- even if it's six months from now! works hard every day to help optimize business sites to customer perfection, AND make it possible for motivated individuals to earn supplemental income too! Come grow with us!

Food for thought

He who lives without folly is not so wise as he thinks.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld


Lisa posted some great comments she posted to a list this week about ezine and newsletter promotion. I figured that you would enjoy them to. She was resonding to some questions posted by another member.

1. Have you found that sending a newsletter has helped to increase business, and why how do you measure it?

Yes, it keeps the subscriber informed and reminds them that you care enough to write them.

2. Has it helped maintain repeat business and or customer loyality? Have you gotten any customer feedback? give an example please.......

Yes, I have had problems in the past with people on my list not receiving their issues. One lady writes me on the date of each issue because for some reason her copy never goes through. I send her a personal email back with the current issue's content. I list a Feedback Section in each issue of my newsletter... you can view issues in our Newsletter Archive:

3. Do you hire someone to do your newsletter or do you do it yourself ?

No, I publish my newsletter personally.

4. Where do you get all of your you do research.......where?

I design my own patterns and my viewers ask me lots of questions which I try to address in the newsletters. I figure if one person will actually ask me a question then there are probably 5 more people who would like to know but won't take the time to write.

5. I have participated in many of your newsletters by paying for add space. Why do you sell add space?

I sell ad space to help pay for site maintenance.

6.Do you feel it is best to keep to a theme each do you fit your products you run a special just for your subscribers?

My theme pretty much stays the same... "crochet" :o) I post items I sell within the newsletters and on other pages throughout my site. Sometimes I offer contests special for subscribers.

7. How do you get subscribers and keep them?

Address their needs and email them personally when they ask questions.

8. Do you and or have your ever used customer testimonals?

Yes, I list some in the Feedback Section of my newsletters.

9. We are all salesmen and as such I was taught that the customer does not care about you as much as he cares about what is in it for him. Basically the customer is saying what am I going to get out of do you respond to that need with your newsletter

I give them something free in each issue... at least 2 new free crochet patterns. This gives them incentive to read through the newsletter which offers the opportunity for a sale.

10. Is a monthly newsletter better than several times a year or every other month?

I send out my newsletter twice per month. Some viewers would like new issues more often but it takes alot of time to prepare each issue. I think how often you send out issues depends on the time you have to spare to prepare them.

I need a title for my newsletter and a motto, byline. etc........something catchy any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Well, I wasn't that original with my title: Crochet 'N' More Newsletter I don't really have a motto either. I do think you should have your site title in the newsletter name if you publish it online though... search engines will find it quicker.

Hope this helps.
Lisa Hamblin

Search Engine Summer
Lesson 8-
Manually submitting your site.

-->Alta Vista -

Manual Add -

Usually takes 2 or 3 months for their spyders to find you.

Paid Placement -

Cost - $39.00 per URL for six months.
They do not spyder links from this page.
Also if you already have some listings on AltaVista it is better not to pay - especially
if you are ranked well.

Search Pages -

-->Fast / All the Web

Manual Add -

Paid Placement -

Available through Lycos InSite Select -

You can access that page from here -

Cost is $18.00 / Membership
Cost / year / per / url. $12.00

Helpful Pages-

Webmaster FAQ -

Search Pages -

Search Engine


Uses Inktomi and Google for their search results.

-->Ask Jeeves

Manual Add -

Email your URL-

Paid Placement -

12 month terms -
1st URL $30.00
Each additional - $18.00

Helpful Pages-

Some useful guidelines


Manual Add -

The best way to submit to google is to let them find your link, you can do this from a link to your site, from a site that is already indexed in Google. If you have trouble getting link - send me a note and we'll add you to a page that is indexed.

Paid Placement -

Google Ad words and Ad words select.
These listings appear to the right side of the normal listings. Details can be found here -

Helpful Pages-

All about Google


Manual Add -

Free - takes up to 4 weeks.

Paid Placement -

1st URL $39 - each additional $25.00

Helpful Pages-

Guidelines and More


Gets listings from inktomi, Overture, and Direct Hit


Manual Add - See Inktomi above

Paid Placement - Uses Overture


Gets their results from Google


Paid Placement Only- 1st URL $30.00 - each additional $18.00

Helpful Pages-

About Teoma -

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