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Blitz Ezine # 180 September 16, 2002

Note: This is an archived issue. Some links and/or content may be outdated

The Blitz-Promotions News Letter.
Issue no. 180, Sept. 15, 2002

************ In This Issue **************
Food for thought
The Classifieds
Next Issues

Blitz Comments

Business 2.0 had some excellent articles in this months (October) edition. Seems like I always learn at least one thing. Although it's written mostly for the big boys, you can always adapt the ideas to fit your niche / business.

Old News -

Gus Update -
Took two steps forward and four back. During the beginning of the week Gus was improving so much that he was scheduled to be transferred to our local hospital to start his rehab. Later in the week he started having some stomach problems and they think he may have gall stones, so please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Food for thought
I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it. Stephen Leacock

Reader thoughts and Questions

What is the most important thing to do for your site (regarding search engines)?

The most important thing is to focus your title tag for your keywords and to only target your pages for two or three keywords... ok that was two. Make sure that the first words for the title tag for your pages are for your keywords and are UNIQUE for each page.

How did you start your internet business?

I have always been a closet entrepreneur. In 1998 I started hearing that the internet would be available where I live ... way in the boonies. So, I bought an account and started goofing off. I built a site and learned my first lesson. If you build a site, they will not come unless you promote it. So started my adventure first, I optimized my site. After getting some good results, people started asking me how I did it and one thing lead to another and Blitz Promotions was born.

If you had to recommend one source of paid promotion, what would it be?

No matter what kind of website or web business you're in, you really need to set aside some funds for some type of advertising. We try to spend 10% of our revenue.

If you're on a limited budget, I would start with some type of pay per click program. You can easily adjust these for your budget and also judge easily how effective your campaign is (or isn't) working.

What is your schedule - how do you budget your time?

We usually work from about 5 a.m. or so to 5 p.m. We take Sundays off and try to limit our work on Saturday, but sometimes that is impossible. We use the Compaq IPaq to schedule our to do list. I read somewhere that you are only supposed to schedule six things in a day. If I did that I would get nothing done - usually we have around 12 things to do. I try to break them up so that I'm doing something different. So for a couple of hours I may be designing a site, then working on a keyword study, then optimizing some pages, working on a link campaign etc. The variety helps me not to get bogged down.

What is your choice of web design software?

First I think everyone should work with something that they are comfortable with. Tons of programs have free downloads, programs that you can try before you buy. Although I use about four different ones, my favorite is Dreamweaver by Macromedia.

We're getting ready to purchase Studio MX - I'll let you know how that goes.

How can I make money on the internet?

We'll be talking about this next week in our newbie issue.

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