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Blitz Ezine # 186 October 28, 2002
Increasing Sales - at checkout - Newbie internet business start guide - finding distributors

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The Blitz-Promotions News Letter.
Issue no. 186, Oct. 28, 2002
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Food for thought
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Food for thought

See the article below for a bit of inspiration.


Believe In Your Dreams


Can you be trusted to complete what you say you will do?

In other words, be your word? Have you ever made a promise and delivered on it ... or did you put it off and not have closure?

One of Benjamin Franklin's 13 Governing Values was Resolution ... simply Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve. So that means make a decision and stick to it until it is accomplished.

One of the most important things for you to focus on is your faith ... Faith in what? ... God, your dreams coming true, the healing for your health, your relationships, money matters, etc.

NOW faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. --Hebrews 11:1

Allow your faith to have an impact on ALL whom you come in contact with. It reflects in the way you live your life, how you spend your time and how much you give of yourself.

We all get frustrated when things don't go exactly as planned. Frustration isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's a reminder that there's a goal you're reaching or a desire that can't be immediately satisfied--and that's good.

Without the essential tension of frustration we'd have little motivation to pursue our goals and desires.

A man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?

It was frustration that led you to seek change in your life. It was frustration that led you to read this article because maybe you lost your focus of Believing in your dreams.

Two Corrective Actions which may help you:

1. Recognize that there are few things in life that you have to do. There are many things that you may choose to do. Use your daily and weekly to-do lists to prove to yourself that you almost always have a choice and that you are indeed prioritizing and making choices.

2. Remember that you're just one person. If any course will result in frustration, remind yourself that you're pursuing the best course possible at this time.

Avoid berating yourself for a decision that turned out less than perfectly.
Acknowledge that if you had chosen the other way you'd be berating yourself for a different reason.
A good motto to remember is, I did the best I could with what I had at the time.

I came to the conclusion that we fail our way to success.

I am not judged by the number of times I fail but by the number of times I succeed, and the number of times I succeed is in direct proportion to the number of times I can fail and keep on trying. --Tom Hopkins

Make your dreams come true by changing Uncertainty into Action.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes.

Challenge procrastination with decisive action. Remember that it's not necessary to have all the evidence before you commit yourself. Sometimes it takes a leap of faith. Reassure yourself that you're willing to live with the results--good, bad or indifferent. Then jump in.

Remember that tomorrow is another day doesn't cut it in today's world. If you don't take action, someone else will. Pay attention to feedback. Self-feedback is often the most effective feedback. Make a note each time you find yourself rationalizing failure by determining it's someone else's fault. Acknowledge your own mistakes and put yourself back on course by focusing on decisions you've made that have produced successful results.

Take some downtime to reflect on your goals, dreams and life aspirations. With a rested and relaxed mind, rise back up to the Faith which will inevitably help carry you through and effects everything else you do. Have An Impact! Make your life count for something.

Best regards,
Ed Hirsch
ICQ# 55939361
So. San Francisco, California

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Increasing Sales - part 4
Check Out Sales


You've been there before. You're nearing the checkout at your local grocery store with your kids and both sides of the checkout lane are filled to the brim with all the stuff you don't want your kids to have. Do you ever wonder why they do that? Because it works, and nobody says that you can't do it as well.

Some things that you can include in your check out program are:

1. Giftwrapping.
2. Buying options - buy 2 get 1 free etc.
3. Similar products / add ons - example batteries for an electronic toy, frames for a painting.
4. Gift certificates at a reduced price.

There are many more ways / things you can do. A few things to keep in mind though -

1. Make sure that the offer is non intrusive.
2. Make sure that it doesn't run them off.
3. The more the offer is related to what they're purchasing the better.

Newbie Guide Part 6
Finding distributors for your first product.

If you missed out on the first four lessons - you can find them at the links below. - Part 1
- Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5

This just in -

still don't have an idea of a product or service to offer, then check out the top 100 searches ( by category ) for an internet yellow pages site.

Another option is to search a database full of mailing lists.

This lesson is all about finding wholesalers where you can purchase physical products.

1. If you've seen the product at another website, it can never hurt to ask them where they got it... many times though they may be hesitant to do this.

2. Another good place to start looking is in the open directory procject.

3. Find manufacturers by going here -

You can also search by product type - manufacturing. We found this site searching for furniture.

Once you find the name of what you want you can search by that as well.

4. Wholesale sites -

5. Industrial resources

Here's what we found searching for wholesale fishing lures.

If you need help in your search, let us know.

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