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Blitz Ezine # 200 February 3, 2003
How to Get listed on Froogle.

Note: This is an archived issue. Some links and/or content may be outdated

Getting your site listed in Froogle Part 2
The Blitz-Promotions News Letter.
Issue no. 200, Feb. 3, 2003
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End 2-17

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Food for thought
The Classifieds
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Blitz Comments

200 issues - that is a whole lot of words. We'd just like to take a moment to thank all of you for helping us to reach that milestone. Although we don't have a million subscribers, I think we do have folks that actually read (and use) it, and to me that is much more important than having huge numbers. Without further ado, here are the specials.

These specials expire after this week and they can't be combined with any other discounts / offers - Expiration date Feb. 10th.
If you want a discount please send me a note -
Tell me which one(s) you want and I'll send you the details.

No cost - get a copy of our webpage planner for nothing.

Save 10 % on any of our custom links packages. Everyone knows that getting links can be a pain in the but. Let us do it for you. Details on the various programs can be found here.

Part 2 of getting into Froogle with information on the data feeds is included in this issue. If you missed out on the last issue you can check it out by clicking on the link below.

Getting Into Froogle

Next issue - we'll be resuming our 100 ways to promote your site, focusing on ten ways to promote your business offline. We'll also include a special treat....

Food for thought

Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires...courage.
Author: Ralph Waldo Emerson


How to get listed in Froogle - A step by step guide Part 2

Some reference notes -
Information / Froogle FAQ

What is Froogle

Step 4 - Feeding your data to Google.

If you've received your instructions from Froogle, you might notice that for many folks it can be very confusing. So I searched for a simpler way (or ways) to upload your feeds and monitor your data.

The best method I found was by using some software from You can evaluate it for f*ree (5 items) or buy it for $34.00. It also comes with some easy instructions. Click the link below for more.

Another way to upload your products is to use the Master Froogle File generator - you can find it at the link below - this method is totally f*ree.

Don't have the time to do it, then you can pay us and we'll do it. Below is a breakdown of the costs.

Setup - $50.00
Product upload - 10 products - $150.00.
This includes monthly updates for a year. Want more than 10 products figure on about $15.00/product.

Total $200.00.

Click <Order Now >.

After we process your order we'll contact you to get the product list and information.

From the Archives - Blitz 85
Nov 2000
Customer Service how the little guys can win.
Understand your Customers

This weeks tip for great customer service is pretty simple. Put yourself in your customers shoes. Take a moment and think about your best customers. Can you name their: favorite magazine, websites, children, job, where they live, what they do, when their birthday is etc. If you can name four or five of these you are doing well. If you can’t name any it is time to get to work. From day one (after the order) it should be your priority to know your customer. What needs they have may be ideas for future product lines. The easiest way to get this information is to ask. The next step is to record it. How? There are tons of different kinds of contact software. I use the old-fashioned method, index cards. Remember the more you know your customer the better you can serve them. Next week- Support is not a 4 letter word.

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