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Blitz Ezine #251 July 12th, 2005

How to Make an RSS Feed

The Blitz-Promotions News Letter
Issue no. 251, July 12th, 2005

Blitz Comments

We talked some in previous issues of our ezine about RSS feeds. This issue includes an article on how to make one.

You can find our blog at the following URL.

Our next issue will be on August 2nd.

In this Issue

- SEO Tuneup
- Making an RSS Feed

Food for thought

If they like you, and they believe in you, and they trust you, and they have confidence in you... then they MAY buy from you.
Jeffery Gitomer

SEO Tuneup Part 2

Bourbon Changes -

Unless you've been living under a rock - or without internet access you've probably heard about the changes in Googles Algo. Below is a link where we explain things a bit on our Blog.

Click Here

Google is also now offering a site feed for your site - the articles below go into some detail on how to set things up.

If you haven't noticed yet Google monitors how often you "change" your site. The fresher it is the better. Some ideas for fresh content include:

1) Write at least two new pages for your site each month (if you can do two a week that would be best). These pages can be - how to do something pages, product reviews, alternate uses for a product you sell etc. Add links to these new pages on your index page and your site map. As you get new pages remove the old from the index page.

2) Add a "what's on sale item" to your index page. Change it and the description each month.

3) Set a goal for the number of links you want added to your site. Work on it.

The Making of an RSS Feed

Everyday more and more websites, news services and blogs are
adding RSS content. RSS is a method of syndicating
content.The concept of aggregating content in one central
location or repository is very appealing. Consumers have
become tired of push technology, RSS allows users the
flexibility to regain control of their content. RSS feed
creators provide content without forcing it on consumers. In
fact with RSS consumers are able to choose the content they
wish to view.

How to Make an RSS Feed
RSS feeds contain what are referred to as "items". The items
are usually connected in some way and contain a common theme
or other similarity.

The following feed contains
eight items. The items are all SMS and paging related news
articles that would likely benefit someone interested in the
wireless market.

Each item contains:

The title and description should be written to describe the
content and the link should reference the webpage that
contains that actual content.

Like html, the xml file uses open and close tags to
designate the title, description and link. Tags are enclosed
in brackets <>, like standard html and the close tag
contains a forward slash /.

The following is what an item in a xml file looks like:

<title>The Title Goes Here</title>
<descritpion>The description goes here</description>

As I mentioned earlier, an RSS feeds contains items and like
the tags above, an open and close tag is used to distinguish
between items.

<title>The Title Goes Here</title>
<descritpion>The description goes here</description>

<title>Another Title Goes Here</title>
<descritpion>Another description goes here</description>

Now an RSS Feed is a series of items, these items are
chained together to create what is called a "Channel".

The Channel appears at the top of the file and tells people
how the items relate to each other. Like items channels use
title, description and link tags to describe its content.
The open channel tag <chanel> occurs before the first item
and the close tag </channel> occurs after the last item.

<title>The Channel Title Goes Here</title>
<description>The explanation of how the items are related
goes here</description>

<title>The Title Goes Here</title>
<descritpion>The description goes here</description>

<title>Another Title Goes Here</title>
<descritpion>Another description goes here</description>


Finally you will need to designate the file by indicating it
is an XML file by inserting xml and rss defining tags at the
beginning and </rss> at the very end.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rss version="2.0">

<title>The Channel Title Goes Here</title>
<description>The explanation of how the items are related
goes here</description>

<title>The Title Goes Here</title>
<descritpion>The description goes here</description>

<title>Another Title Goes Here</title>
<descritpion>Another description goes here</description>


When you save the file be sure to save it as an xml file.

If you create the file using Dreamweaver or a similar tool
becareful that it does not strip out tags it feels are
redundant. In order to be be an RSS feed your file needs at
bare minimum that tags that were discussed above, and the
file will not be valid if tags are stripped out.

I found a cool little free program that helped in xml file
creation called First Object Editor

As my math teacher use to say, check your work! Once your
file is complete and uploaded einter it into the feed
validator at

Syndication / Submission
If you've made it this far you are in good shape it is time
to "syndicate" your content! Submit your RSS feed (the xml
file you created) to sites just like you would submit a web
page. Some of the more popular sites that accept RSS files
can be found under "Post RSS Feed"

About the Author:
Sharon Housley manages marketing for NotePage, Inc. a company specializing in
alphanumeric paging, SMS and wireless messaging software
solutions. Other sites by Sharon can be found at , and



Links you can use -

If you don't want your next car to be a gas guzzler - you should check out this list.

Speaking of gas - here are some ways to save some.

Fun and Games

Last week we were at the beach - here are some interesting things you can do while your on the beach.




Useful links to our site

Ezine Archives links to all our past issues (well most of them) in one place.

Next Issues

August - Summer SEO Tuneup - part 3

Final Thoughts

We hope everyone has a wonderful month.

Tim and Lisa Hamblin
Tisa Enterprises
PO Box 221
Hazard KY 41702

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