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Blitz Promotions

Blitz Ezine #256 December 6th, 2005

Reality check for your business

The Blitz-Promotions News Letter
Issue no. 256, December 6th, 2005

Blitz Comments

We would like to wish everyone a wonderful holiday season.

We offer daily promotion items in our blog, which you can find at the following link -

Our next issue will be on Jan. 3rd.

In this Issue

- Reality
- Holiday Fun

Food for thought

“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, don’t sit there and think about it. Go out and get busy.”
-Dale Carnegie


Not a day goes by that I don't hear about someone lamenting about their decision to leave corporate America and work at home. Maybe they were laid off, decided for early retirement, or just decided that commuting four hours, coupled with an eight hour workday was simply too much. Possibly, they will keep their job and work part-time at home to earn extra income. Who knows what the reasons are, but that is not important.

They decided to start their own home business, and believed the ads about working in their pajamas when the spirit moved them. After a month or so they woke up to reality. They weren't making a dime.

Where did they go wrong? Well, when they worked for someone else, they were expected to be at work at a certain time every day. Depending on the business, there was a certain dress code, and they had goals to meet. Granted, these goals were usually determined by someone else, but they were the ones who had to meet them.

It is easy to work for someone else, as they are the ones calling the shots. They actually lived under an umbrella of discipline. Granted it was someone else's umbrella, and maybe they didn't realize this. Possibly they did, and that was the reason they decided to work on their own.

One of the most common problems behind the failure of a home enterprise, is the lack of discipline. Some think they can work when (and if) they want to, and their mailbox will "overfloweth" with "pictures of dead presidents." Well, I got news for you!

Running your own business, whether it is a brick and mortar establishment, or a home business, requires work. It usually requires more effort than if you worked for someone else. You will also have to do some things you don't enjoy. But, if you are the chief (or only) "honcho", you had better be able to handle all facets of your business.

So, how do you go about working at home? First and foremost, you have to have a regular schedule and adhere to it. This is especially true if you expect people to contact you by phone. If people try to call you, and don't get an answer, they quickly move on. You have to be available during normal business hours. If you are in an online business, this is usually from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Yes there are three time zones in the USA. If you live on the east coast like I do, when you are getting ready to pack it in for the day, folks on the west coast may just be returning from lunch.

If you are not tied to a telephone, it is still important to maintain regular hours. More importantly, you should have daily goals. If you meet those goals, the rest of the day is yours. But many people always think there is tomorrow.

For far too many, tomorrow never comes, and things that should have been done aren't. Maybe when the kids are at school will work for you, or possibly late at night. You might even have to pass up on your favorite "soap opera". Don't deal with hours, you're not being paid by the hour - deal with goal oriented results.

Working in your pajamas sounds great, and many of the offers you may hear state that you can. If I get an idea in the wee hours, I may hop on the computer dressed like that, but for normal business hours that is simply a myth. Who wants to spend their life like that?

You must have an effective work space, which is free of distractions. You should have quiet office space in your house, which is out-of-the-way, and off limits during your work hours. Treat this like an office. Keep it neat. While I am not the neatest person in the world, I do know where everything is. If I get a call from a client, I'm not fumbling about looking for the information I need. A filing cabinet next to your desk goes a long way.

When you get an email, take appropriate action the same day, then file it in a place where you can find it. Delete all emails in you "in-basket" older than 30 days. If they're older than 30 days, they're not worth anything anyway.

If you don't fall into the "trap", which many folks do, the freedom you are seeking just might become a reality.


Did you know that subscribers to Bob Osgoodby's Free Ezine the "Tip of the Day" get a Free Ad for their Business at his Web Site? Great Business and Computer Tips - Monday. Wednesday. And Friday. Instructions on how to place an ad are in the Newsletter. Subscribe at:

Holiday Fun

December should be a fun time for your whole family - below are some links you can enjoy with your kids.

Some help with your holiday planning - it's never too late.

Save some money this year by having a secret Santa or exchanging names.
This site can help your group do the Secret Santa

A nice collection of Holiday stories.

Some music -

Some old links we've used for many years -

Track Santa's progress on his trip to your house -

Now listen to some nice Holiday Tunes -

Help your kid find out if they've been naughty or nice - make sure you visit the site before you take your kids, that makes certain that their name is in the database.

More links and fun -

Links you can use -

Check out a sites back links as well as their anchor text.

Check the status of flights for your holiday trips.

Google is now offering free stats for your site -

Fun and Games

An Illusion - I couldn't believe my eyes either -

If you would like to learn how to draw or improve your drawing - check this.

Like snow, snowboarding etc. You will enjoy this site.


Our gift to you - send us an email and we'll let you post an ad here for free till next December. Just email us.

Useful links to our site

Ezine Archives links to all our past issues (well most of them) in one place.

Next Issues

Our next issue will be Jan 3rd 2006

Final Thoughts

Have a very Merry Christmas!!

Tim and Lisa Hamblin
Tisa Enterprises
PO Box 221
Hazard KY 41702

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